
What I am up to...

Watching: Disney's Aladdin

So, as you can see, I am watching Aladdin. I am preparing myself for my internship with the children's theatre group that I will be helping to direct at the end of June. WEE! I am excited about that but I am also a little nervous as well. I have never directed well, anything before! I am hoping to learn a lot!

In other news...I have finished reading Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin (the same guy who wrote The Stepford Wives, which was way better than the Nicole Kidman movie version btw). I loved it and was happy to see that the movie is NOT different in the slightest (I had seen the movie first). It's one of those books where you can read the book or watch the movie and you get the same story...but I cannot say you'll get the same experience. There's something about reading the book...it's more suspenseful and sad. However, for all of you people that like to read the last chapter ahead of time, I say watch the movie FIRST!!! You will not spoil the lovliness that is Rosemary's Baby. Here is a clip for your viewing pleasure:

Yes, the trailer is quite vague but I honestly don't know what else they could do to not spoil anything about it. To promote the movie/book even further, this was my face when I first saw the movie (as well as Rosemary's face ten minutes before the closing credits):


Anyway, I am now finishing up Lolita and starting The Last Lecture too.

Okay, here is a link to my Anime Boston pics!:http://www.flickr.com/photos/stevenwburt/

and these! http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=258387&id=840630240&l=1f5a500890


Anime Boston Fun!

Anime Boston is this Friday! I'm hoping our hotel has wifi because I want to update this blog with pics and stories and what not. I have finished my costume of Izumi Curtis from Full Metal Alchemist. I think it's pretty ligit...but that's for the fans to decide. Stacy has made my t-shirt for our Kingdom Hearts II soccer team spoof and I have everything else. Here are a some pics of the characters I am going yo be:

Izumi Curtis from Full Metal Alchemist

Xaldin (Number 3) from Kingdom Hearts II

My side burns aren't as epic but I feel people will get the idea of who i am. <3


Senior Week

Watching: FullMetal Alchemist

Yesterday night was SUSHI NIGHT! Amber invited a bunch of us from the Canterbury adventure to join her for some sushi in the Target plaza. Laura, Shannon, Caroline, Mandi and I were the ones that could make it. I had not eaten sushi in about 3 years, since the last time I was in California. The place had my favorite kind, Avocado sushi and it was half off ($2 for sushi!? Heck yeah!). It was great to talk to people about England and so forth without worrying about the friends who had not gone and having them feel left out. It was very relaxing and a joy to be there with those girls. It was also quite an adventure! Mandi attempted to get saki but was carded, :P Caroline had to admit that she had fish the other day becasue she was not getting enough iron, I had to catch up A LOT with Laura because only seen her maybe TWICE the whole semester and I was able to spend time with Amber and Shannon (who would be graduatin in one week!) it was def. a good time.

I plan on going home this weekend and then come back to live with Miss Kate Sculley for the rest of senior week. I'm going to miss everyone <3