

Watching: Girl, Interupted

So, before I started watching Girl, Interupted, I thought I would try a movie that my friend Caitlin and my Professor suggested to me: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. It was very good! It was about this villian who kept an online blog and told people about his plans for world domination through it. He falls in love with his laundry buddy - and must defeat the "hero" of the story, Captain Hammer, before his love interest falls for the "hero." Anyway...I thought the ending didn't fit whatsoever - which I think is what made the movie work. Anyway, you can watch it here on HULU.

Will has been really busy with the fashion show - and I've been busy with my homework in general. I'm so ready to go home. I guess I'm not ready to be a senior and I know it will be fun but it's terrifying at the same time. And lately I've been feeling unwanted by people. I know it's really cheesy to talk about this kind of stuff on blogs but I just wanted to get it out there. I guess I don't know if it's "unwanted" but it's juat that I'm sick of people making obscene jokes all of the time. Honestly, it's starting to get really, really old. There are so many better things to talk about and I'm sorry but I'm sick of obscene music as well. This is crunch time and the last thing I want to listen to is rap music talking about sex. I don't think it's amusing. And because of this I feel like I have to leave the room or go for a walk instead of be with people. I don't know, I guess I'm just rambling but it's true. Oh well. Tonight's my last night of work and I'm hoping to finish my paper for my Independent Study by the end of April. Just 11 more pages to go! Huzzah! Okay, this was my rambling blog. Now I'm going to do some reading! TTFN <3


Sunny Day

Listening to: Moby - Stars

It's amazing...I actually have interwebs *LAAAAAAAAAA!* I was vaccuming the couches when all of a sudden I noticed the Direcway thingy going crazy with flashing lights...and to those of us with Directway, that means: INTERNET! I stopped what I was doing and rushed here as fast as I could! I was supposed to do more of my British Literature paper but that can wait a little bit longer. hehe.

In other news: While at the library I picked up a couple of movies and one of them was Atonement. I hadn't seen it yet and I wanted to see what all of the hullabaloo was about. I liked it, but it was quite depressing and seemed to be more about the little girl than Keira Knightly and Mr. Tumnas. I was okay with that but I feel that the whole letter thingy with the "c" word and the fountain stuff should have been better portrayed and maybe even more added on to it. And this was only because I had no idea Keira loved the main guy until she brought him in the library...(wtf!!??) I don't know...I wasn't convinced that they really loved each other. Oh well. I thought the ending was quite good even though it was sad.

I have pictures to put up but I might wait until later to do so because I have not yet put them on my computer *sadness* TTFN! <3


it's my obsession

Listening to: Joanna Newsom - Clam, Crab, Cockle, Cowrie

So it is spring break time! I'm already bored though, not gonna lie. I have a lot of homework to do this week and the internet simply doesn't work at my house. *sigh* I'm just happy to be with my family though, honestly. SO! I've been attempting to upload as many pics as possible from the play on facebook as well as go on to Modcloth and find more cute stuff for my someday appartment:


Isn't it so cute!!!! XD someday...



Listening to: Björk - Declare Independence

So...I found this cute pic of Tim, Helena and their kids and let me just say SO CUTE!!!

and a little link that makes me happy:

and a little pic that makes me sad:


Music Update

Listening to: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Hysteric

So, thanks to William, I finally started appreciating the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Sure, they were okay before, but now that their new cd is on its way out (April 14th I believe) I think I actually love them now. Their new cd, It's Blitz!, is their best yet! The music is softer but their hardcore charm still lingers even in the gentle melodies of the tracks. My favorite piece: Hysteric.

I also found a bunch of other great music. I'll give you my three favorite ones first:

The Pains of Being Pure at Heart

These guys are the poop! I only had to listen to one song (Young Adult Friction) before they took my heart. I would have to say they are a good mix between The Stars and Tegan and Sara. Weird, I know, but they are that interesting.

Lisa Hannigan - Sea Sew

I love this woman. She's a good mix between Joanna Newsom, Alea Diana, and Kimya Dawson. Her style is soft and romantic - great for late walks during the summer :)

Say Hi - Oohs and Aahs

Almost a Vampire Weekend clone, but a little bit creepier. Very cool. Just listen to it XP <3 <3

The other artists are:

Ultre - The Nest and the Skull
Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion
Glass Candy - Deep Gems
The Boxer Rebellion - Union
Vetiver - Tight Knit

Love and Peace!